
Events in the month of June for the year 2019 in the 333 Events Schedule

47th VPAP Annual Scientific Conference47th VPAP Annual Scientific Conference5Jun20192019-06-057Jun20192019-06-07Manila , Philippineshttp://.' Google
 World Pork Expo- CANCELED World Pork Expo- CANCELED5Jun20192019-06-057Jun20192019-06-07Iowa State Fairgrounds, Des Moines, Iowa, United States Google
Alberta Pork CongressAlberta Pork Congress11Jun20192019-06-1113Jun20192019-06-13Westerner Park Red Deer, Alberta, Canada Google
VICTAM InternationalVICTAM International12Jun20192019-06-1214Jun20192019-06-14KoelnMesse in Cologne, Germany, Germany Google
ZeroZincSummit2019 ZeroZincSummit2019 17Jun20192019-06-1718Jun20192019-06-18Copenhagen, Denmark Google
 2019 Ontario Pork Congress 2019 Ontario Pork Congress19Jun20192019-06-1920Jun20192019-06-20Stratford Rotary Complex,, Canada Google
Smart Agrifood Summit 2019Smart Agrifood Summit 201920Jun20192019-06-2021Jun20192019-06-21Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Málaga (Spain), Spain Google
CANCELLED 8th Internat. Symposium on Emerging and Remerging Pig Dis.CANCELLED 8th Internat. Symposium on Emerging and Remerging Pig Dis.23Jun20192019-06-2326Jun20192019-06-26 El Centro de Eventos, Congresos y Exhibiciones CasaPiedra, Santiago, Chile, Chile Google
Livestock and Aquaculture Philippines 2019Livestock and Aquaculture Philippines 201926Jun20192019-06-2628Jun20192019-06-28World Trade Center Metro Manila, Philippines Google
Iowa Swine Day27Jun20192019-06-272019-06-27Iowa State University, United States Google
ILDEX Forum - PhilippinesILDEX Forum - Philippines27Jun20192019-06-272019-06-27Century Park Hotel, Manila, Philippines , Philippines Google