
SuiServiceGroup - Italy Author

SuiServiceGroup is a company of professionals born from the collaboration between four veterinarians, whose main objective is training to address the lack of qualified personnel in the swine industry. The basic training is characterized by the Iliad Project: a training course that takes place through important reproductive realities located in various areas of Italy. The course lasts 5 months, during which the best practices are learned in the field and theoretical courses are taken in person or online as a complement.

In addition to the Iliad Project, Suiservice offers several supporting services to farmers in the various production activities; among these, specific analyses of production through slaughterhouse controls, economic analyses, company audits, and direct technical assistance in the company that can go from the farrowing room to gestation and to the nursery and finisher.

For the development of these activities, we rely on professionals in the sector who have followed our training courses since the beginning of their careers, thus making the collaboration truly integrated. We collaborate with leading national and international companies / experts in the development of various innovative proposals for the swine sector.

Updated CV 17-Sep-2021

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