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He worked and trained at the SAT La Vall de Soses, a 7,500-sow farm, as the production manager for 25 years. In February, he left this company and worked for 4 years as production manager on different farms, both in Spain and abroad.
As of February 2017, seeing and knowing first-hand the problems of the sector, he decided to work on its own and created the company LiderporCCC to provide for the training and organisation deficiencies on the farms. The goal is to train people in charge and area managers based on a philosophy of creation of work teams where the most important asset is the staff, because it is the most precious good we have.
The work methodology is based on the immersion on the farm for a certain period with the aim of detecting the deficiencies, correct them by creating routines regarding handling/management and organisation practices, bearing always in mind the peculiarities of the farm.
He has collaborated and collaborates with the MSc in Pig Production organised jointly by the universities of Lleida, Saragossa and Madrid, and also participates as a speaker in different congresses in Spain and Italy, where the main subject has always been the human resources and their organisation.
Updated CV 14-Jun-2017
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