Juan Luis Uccelli

Consultant - Argentina Author


  • Animal Science – National University of Lomas de Zamora – 1983
  • University Technician in Animal Production – National University of Lomas de Zamora – 1981

Work experience

  • Consulting services for small poultry, rabbit, swine, and beekeeping producers in the Jesús María area, Córdoba (1984-1986).
  • Procecoop S.A. - Swine farm supervisor - Swine production management (1987-1989)
  • Frigorífico Minguillón S.A. – Production management of swine farms (1989-1991) 
  • Laboratorio Vetanco S.A. – Responsible for consulting service to swine producers (1991-1998)
  • Laboratorio Brouwer S.A. – Responsible for consulting service to swine producers (1998-1999)
  • Argentine Association of Swine Producers - Management (1999-2002)
  • Argentine Association of Swine Producers – President (2002-2018)
  • Argentine Association of Swine Producers – Consultant (2018 to present)
  • Consulting for companies and institutions about swine projects
  • Private consultant from 2012 to present
  • Creator and coordinator for GEPA group (2018 to May of 2020) 


  • Participation in the GITEP group (Group for the exchange of technologies in pig farms) - President of the first Gitep symposium
  • Founding partner of ACONTECE (Association of pork technology consultants).
  • Founding partner of AIZA (Association of Animal Scientists of Argentina)
  • Founding partner of Graduate Center of the Lomas de Zamora School of Agricultural Sciences
  • Responsible for private sector trade negotiations Argentina - Brazil
  • Representative for the private sector at Mercosur meetings regarding swine
  • Representative of swine producers in CONALEP (National Commission for the Fight against Swine Diseases)
  • Representative of Argentina to OIPORC and member of the executive committee (Iberoamerican Pork Producers Organization)
  • Coordinator of the program to promote pork consumption Hoy Cerdo (Today Pork)
  • Coordinator of the program to promote pork consumption Come Bien, Come Cerdo (Eat Well, Eat Pork)
  • Representative of pork producers in the FORO PORCINO NACIONAL (NATIONAL SWINE FORUM)
  • Representative of pork producers in the provincial pork roundtables
  • Representative of pork producers in the PEA
  • Representative of the pork sector in the Argentine Meat Roundtable
  • Coordinator of swine issues at the Secretariat of Commerce
  • Founding member of COLAPA (Latin American Animal Protein Council)
  • Founding member of MAPA (Argentine Animal Protein Board)
  • Coordinator of the National Swine Production Board
  • Participant in negotiations of Chinese investments in swine production in Argentina.

He has also participated in numerous lectures and conferences in different universities, associations, etc., and has provided consulting services to different associations, commissions, and Latin American governments on swine issues.

Updated CV 16-Dec-2020

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