Emili Barba

HIPRA - Spain Author

Emili has a highly technical background, with a degree in Veterinary medicine from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, PhD in Animal Production from the same University and postdoc experience in the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. His extensive research experience is focused on the development of applied immune-stimulating and nutritional strategies to increase gut health and reduce antibiotic use post-weaning. He has more than 30 scientific publications, many of which have been highly cited in first quartile peer-review scientific journals and international congresses.   

Emili’s now the HIPRA Global Pipeline Manager; working directly with swine professionals and key opinion leaders of livestock, feed, and pharmacologic sector. His job is to lead the pig sector to build up farm profitability in a context with restrictive antimicrobial usage, by focusing on prevention and the strategic use of vaccines.     

Updated CV 13-Jun-2022

Emili Barba is followed by 204 users
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