Daniel Linhares

College of Veterinary Medicine, Iowa State University - United States Author

Education/professional experience:

DVM – Universidade Federal de Goias, Brazil (2003)
2006 – 2009: Production and Health Supervisor (Agroceres PIC, Brazil)
MBA – Fundaçao Getulio Vargas, Brazil(2007)
PhD – Veterinary Population Medicine (swine diseases ecology) University of Minnesota, USA (2013)
2013 – 2015: Technical Services, Health Assurance& Product Validation Manager (Agroceres PIC, Brazil)


Research interests

Applied research on swine health and productivity challenges, including evaluation of strategies to a) reduce frequency of new pathogen introduction, and to b) increase success rate and effectiveness of pathogen control & elimination programs. Ongoing projects include field research with PRRSv, Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, Influenza A virus and Senecavirus A (former Seneca Valley) virus.


Education interests

My aspiration is to prepare graduate students to understand the big picture of production animal industry challenges and opportunities. My mission is to offer opportunities and encourage graduate students to develop independent, critical thinking skills, guiding them to focus on the solution and to think of possible ways to positively impact the industry using applied science.

Updated CV 06-Oct-2015

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