Carmen Álvarez Delgado
University of Cordoba - Spain AuthorGraduated with a degree in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Cordoba in July 2020. Currently, she is a recipient of a predoctoral scholarship from the Junta de Andalucía and enrolled in the third year of doctoral studies, doing her doctoral thesis with the research group AGR-137, within the area of Biosciences and Agrifood Sciences. Her thesis is focused on evaluating the impact of targeted feeding on productive, intestinal, and immunological parameters in swine, having just finished her three-month stay to obtain the international mention of a doctorate in the Department of Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine (VDPAM), Iowa State University, where she has mainly received training on the use of "in vitro" models in swine, specifically enteroids.
Updated CV 19-Dec-2023