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Carlo graduated in Veterinary Medicine at the University of Bologna in 1985. He started working in the swine sector the following year assuming the post of manager of a farrow-to-finish farm. He held this post for two years. He considers this period as a very important one for his training, and he learned a lot from the field workers and the hours dedicated to the observation of the pigs. In 1987 he accepted the post of Veterinarian of the Technical Service at UPB, a small company that works in the genetics field. The following year he moved to NPD with the same position and responsibilities, consisting on the management of the production of the first parturition sows. When, in 1995, PIC purchased NPD, he was offered the same post, but with a much higher production pyramid. He accepted the post and carried out his duties until year 2000. Finally, he joined Martini SpA, a company that currently applies a production system that is totally integrated with various sites and some 20,000 sows, and he was appointed Veterinary Technical Director. He still holds this position.
He is member of the main international professional associations; he is part of the Assessment Board of various multinational pharmaceutical companies and has participated as a speaker in scientific conferences in Italy and abroad.
He defines himself as a "Production Vet": a production man with a degree in Veterinary Medicine.
Updated CV 31-Dec-2012
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