Antonio Palomo Yagüe

SETNA Nutrición - ADM - Spain Author

Work experience

December 1999 to present – SETNA NUTRICIÓN S.A. – ADM – Swine division director

September 1994 to present – Associate professor – Department of Animal Medicine and Surgery – Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, Complutense University of Madrid (Spain)

May 1987 to November 1999 – Premix Ibérica – INVE GROUP (Belgian group of feed mill, premixes, and technical consultants) – Technical director in Spain  and member of the scientific and research department in Belgium.

November 1985 to April 1987 – Nutrición Ganadera Segoviana, feed and swine production company in Segovia, Spain. Technical director.

Academic training and continuing education

2021 - Master's Degree in Science and Philosophy from the School of Government of the Complutense University of Madrid.

June  2011 – Human nutrition and dietetics – School of Health Studies – Madrid

February 1985 to February 2011 – Swine continuing education certification – American Association of Swine Veterinarians. MRCVS.

September 1985 to September 2011 – Veterinary swine continuing education certification – University of Minnesota-USA. MRCVS.

February 11,  2004 – Certification as pig veterinarian –  Spanish Ministry of Agriculture – CyL/185/AC

1990 – Graduated as a swine expert by the European Union

October 1988 to June 1989 – Master of Swine Pathology and Production - Utrech University (Netherlands)

October 1987 to May 1988 – Master of Swine Nutrition – University of Minnesota (USA)

September 1985 to June 1987 – Ph.D. University of Minnesota

September 1980 to June 1985 – Doctor of veterinary medicine – Complutense University of Madrid (Spain)

Updated CV 05-Oct-2022

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