Epizone 2016

The meeting is entitled: “Going viral” and the emphasis will be on communication between all partners within the research group and with external partners to better exchange new research outcomes and to accurately monitor the spread, transmission, evolution and emergence of epizootic viruses.
The well-known EPIZONE themes including diagnosis, intervention strategies, risk assessment, and surveillance and epidemiology of epizootic diseases will again be the backbone of the scientific programme.
A stimulating scientific program will be provided by invited speakers and selected poster and oral presentations describing recent research on epizootic diseases of cattle, pigs, poultry, sheep, goats, fish and horses.
We are sure that our 10th annual meeting will be as successful as all previous EPIZONE meetings and will again provide excellent opportunities for networking, scientific exchange and fostering collaborations.
Also a Young EPIZONE programme for young scientists in the field of epizootic diseases will be organised in September.
The meeting is hosted by CISA-INIA, and the Organizing and Scientific Committee look forward to welcoming you to Madrid.
No city on earth is more alive than Madrid, a beguiling place whose sheer energy carries a simple message: this city really knows how to live.
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