CRWAD Annual Meeting

The 2014 CRWAD Meeting will be held December 7 – 9, at the Chicago Marriott, Downtown Magnificent Mile, Chicago, Illinois. The meeting will begin with the Researchers Reception, Sunday evening. The first poster session will coincide with the Researchers Reception. Presentations will conclude by 1 pm Tuesday afternoon, December 9. Attendance is limited to members, participants on the program and guests invited by the Council. If you desire to present at the Annual CRWAD Meeting or want an invitation to attend please contact Dr. Robert P. Ellis.
The Students and Postdocs Reception (5:00 PM to 5:45 PM) will be held prior to the Researchers Reception and Poster Session I, Sunday (6:00 PM to 8:00 PM). CRWAD Keynote Speakers, CRWAD Council Members, CRWAD Dedicatee, students and postdocs are invited. Student and postdoc attendees should plan to attend both receptions.
For those who need a US Visa in order to attend the CRWAD meeting please start your application process early.
The formal dedication of the 95th Annual Meeting to the 2014 Dedicatee will be during the Tuesday noon Business Meeting and Awards Ceremony, in Salons A,B,C,D. The New Members will also be introduced at the Tuesday noon Business Meeting and Awards Ceremony. The student competition awards will be announced.
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