

UW-River Falls, Agriculture Science Building, Room 200 611 S. 3rd Street, River Falls, WI 54022, Estados Unidos Google

Schedule of Events:

9:30 a.m. Registration/Check In

9:45 a.m. Welcome & Introductions

10:00 a.m. On-Farm PRRS Experiences and Upcoming Regulatory Changes Gary Onan, PhD, PAS, Professor & Chair, Animal and Food Science, UW-River Falls; Tammy Vaassen, Executive Vice President, WPA; Dr. Darlene Konkle, WI Assistant State Veterinarian

11:30 a.m. Lunch (provided) and Niche Pasture Pork Panel Zen Miller, Marigold Farm; Clay Juelfs, Skyline Gardens & Ponds Nursery; Jake Sailer, Sailer Food Market; Tim Brueggen, Falls Meat Service

12:30 p.m. Pork Quality (UWRF Meat Lab) Dr. Laura Bachmeier, Director of Pork Saftey, National Pork Board; Jim Murray, Food Service Marketing Manager, National Pork Board

1:30 p.m. Swine Euthanasia Kurt Vogel, PhD, Associate Professor, Animal and Food Science, UW-River Falls

2:15 p.m. Student Research Presentations Darby Guse, WPA Mentor Program; Andrew Keller, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota; Kaleiah Schiller, University of California – Davis

3:00 p.m. Adjourn

The Badger Swine Symposium is free to attend thanks to sponsorship from the animal sciences departments at UW-Madison, Platteville, and River Falls, UW-Extension Swine Team, Wisconsin Pork Association, and the Pork Checkoff.

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