Jin Hyoung Cho, Ra Ham Lee, Young-Joo Jeon, Seon-Min Park, Jae-Cheon Shin, Seok-Ho Kim, Jin Young Jeong, Hyun-sung Kang, Nag-Jin Choi, Kang Seok Seo, Young Sik Cho, MinSeok S. Kim, Sungho Ko, Jae-Min Seo, Seung-Youp Lee, Jung-Hyun Shim, Jung-Il Chae. Proteomic Assessment of the Relevant Factors Affecting Pork Meat Quality Associated with Longissimus dorsi Muscles in Duroc Pigs. Asian-Australas J Anim Sci. 2016;29(11):1653-1663.
Proteomic Assessment of the Relevant Factors Affecting Pork Meat Quality Associated with Longissimus dorsi Muscles in Duroc Pigs
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